Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Well tomorrow is another interview. I don't know much about the job, but it's close, and it pays well. These are good starting points as far as I'm concerned.

Not very much of note has happened since I last wrote. Friend Dave and fa,ily showed up on Sunday and we had some fun together. The kids think I'm mad and it turns out that they're not over keen on Chinese food. The parents however loved it. They came armed with sacks of clothes and toys from the first year of their son's life.

Our little chap is still acting strangely about food. I still think he wants to eat solids. He's waking up frequently now and crying for no apparent reason. Yesterday he finished nearly 900 ml of formula, which is a lot. Today I finshed building his activity cage. The paint is drying as we speak. I'll maybe post a picture tomorrow.

Yesterday was in fact Chinese Valentines day. I never know when this is going to happen because it is calculated using the luna calendar and it's not the same day each year in the ordinary calendar. We did celebrate the occasion with a trip to the beautiful city of Bath anyway. We visted the Jane Austin Centre. I'm not a fan of Jane Austin, but the museum is worth a visit and the dragon had a whale of a time.

I'm always amazed by the inhabitants of Bath. It's an affluent area of the country, but a huge number of clearly wealthy locals seem to make a huge effort to look poor. The grungy distressed look appears particularly popular with young women between about 16 and 30. Frayed denim is ubiquitous, as is baggy knitwear and designer dreadlocks. Dreadlocks on black people don't look grungy, but on middle-class, white females, somehow they do.

I've come to the conclusion that this ironic middle class obsession with looking poor, must stem from some misplaced guilt at being wealthy. Or it could just be that I'm talking rubbish. It wouldn't be the first time.


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