Monday, August 14, 2006

Hi Ho!

Well I started the new job today. The first few days are always nasty, but I got on OK and everyone was nice to me. It'll take a while to settle in, but on balance, it's good to be working again. It takes me about 40 minutes to drive there, but I was talking to the receptionist today and she says there is a free shuttle bus service to the train station, so I'm going to be investigating the possibility of a train commute.

In other news, I heard this morning that a BA plane was turned back because a mobile phone was found during the flight. Apparently it started to ring and no one wanted to admit to owning it, so the flight turned back. I bet that was a plane full of annoyed passengers.Click

I've also heard lots of stories about flights taking off empty because passengers couldn't get through the security checks fast enough. It's getting silly. I'm still waiting for the news that it was all a cock-up and all the arrested suspects have been released.

The media aren't helping. A so called security expert on the BBC yesterday was talking about aviation targets being an Al Qaeda trademark. It's funny, but apart from 9/11, I don't actually remember another Al Qaeda incident involving planes. They blew up embassies, they trained guerillas, but I can't remember any aviation action before or since. And today the Home office appears very pleased with itself after finding two guns. I can't quite see how two guns can possibly be connected with a plot to blow up planes with liquid explosives, but there you are.

I haven't had much chance to look at papers of news today, so that's all for now.


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