Wednesday, August 16, 2006

17 minutes

I did start to write an entry for yesterday, but it never got finished. I'm not confident enough at work to start writing diary entries on notepad in the background as I work. It seems funny to be working again. I took about a month off in the end and actually getting back intt the saddle was a shock to the system. I feel good about it all however. I think I'd go mad if I didn't have a reason to get up in the morning for too long.

I was thinking today that mordern offices demand a lot from people. It's taken for granted that you know how to operate a PC and all the regular MS Office packages. I have to use Lotus notes in my office and I'm in the dark about that. I haven't come across anything that genuinely scares me yet however. The financial side of things is alien territory for me. Though I have worked in the banking world before, I've never really had to understand anything about trading or risk. I've impressed myself with how much I've learnt in the last few days.

It takes me about 40 minutes to drive to work. That's fine, I can use that time to listen to Escape pod, Penn Jillette on Free FM, and the Telegraph pod cast, amongst other things. I don't much like driving however, and I was hoping I could use the train. I discovered that the train journey is just 17 minutes. I can walk to the station from home, and it's an 8 minute bus ride at the other end. Thanks to Tony Blair however, it's £25 a day. I can drive, even with UK petrol prices, for about £8. How do these people sleep at night?

This weekend will be our 2nd weddding anniversary. We're going down to Devon because we share our own anniversary with my parents who are celebrating 40 years together this year. I'm quite looking forward to it. Even little brother has said he will make it down there, so we'll all be together for the first time since Christmas. Unfortunately this all clashes with clothing optioanl day at Malmsbury Abbey House Gardens, which I really did want to attend. But it is on the way. If the weather is nice, we could pop in on the way. It's not worth doing if it's cold or raining, and this week hasn't been good so far.

And the only news item of even the remotest interest to me today is this: A new anonymous "darknet" file sharing service has been launched in Sweden, and the interest is such that the service has already fallen down due to demand. Soon there will be hundreds of file sharing networks like this and then what will the recording industry do? You guys should have listened to your customers when you had the chance shouldn't you? The service is called "Relakks", and when it gets back on it's feet again, you can find it here.


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