Thursday, August 24, 2006

Evil I tell you, Evil

Yahoo toolbar is evil. I've spent half the morning trying to work out why my popups are being blocked and turning off every available piece of security I can, only to find bloody Yahoo tool bar merrily blocking them, even though I shut it down. I didn't even ask it to be there. I uninstalled it now anyway.

I did however find an application today that is so cool it actually forced the Yahoo toolbar experience from my mind. People who use Framemaker will know that it's very touchy about mouse scroll wheels. I found that Freewheel solves this problem. This will not impress most people, since most people don't use Framemaker, it has however improved my life. I can't think why I haven't come across this before since it has been around since 1999 apparently. That's 7 damn years.

I came home from work early today to go to the dentist. I've had a cavity filled in a wisdom tooth. It didn't hurt, but I have spent hours today with a numb face. I haven't seen a dentist in years, so I guess I was lucky it was just one filling. I have dental cover now, so I will keep having the check ups. My next appointment is in March 2007.

Tom Cruise has been cast adrift by Paramount because he is a nutter. Tom says it was his decision, Paramount says it was theirs. I suppose he doesn't have to make any more money for the rest of his life anyway.

I have resolved to stop driving and start using the train from next week. I have discovered that I can buy a weekly ticket for only slightly more than my weekly petrol costs. I'll let you all know how that goes.

We have a bank holiday coming up on Monday and I want to use it to do something cool. Friend Eugenie is here with us again now, so I said I'll drive us to somewhere nice on Saturday also. Currently Longleat is looking possible.

GCSE results are out today and amazingly they have improved for the 200th year in a row. Officially they now pass 97.9% of all who take the exams. How on earth can that be justified?

Nothing else noteworthy has hapened today.


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