Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Funny that someone should mention after my last entry, that they could never take their clothes off in public. I say this because I wasn't really expecting to take mine off. I thought it was a possibility, but I was certian that the venue would be crawling with clothed people sniggering at a few hardcore naturists out to make a point. In fact, being one of the few clothed people was far stranger than being one of the multitude of naked revellers. I was quite sure the Dragon wouldn't be disrobing, but I was wrong. It may not be for everyone, but it was a good day.

I suppose one could argue that it wasn't really public. People had to buy a ticket to enter. Everyone was warned of course that there would be a naked people within. Those people for whom naturism just wasn't an option simply walked away. I heard one middle aged woman mumbling about not wanting to see "dangling bits" as she turned back. The only time it became public was when we staryed onto those few areas of the garden that could be seen from the outside. There was really only one place. As we walked back to the car I saw one woman do a comical double take as she glanced through a hole in the hedge.

I managed to forget my lunch today. I left it in the fridge. It was OK, I had a sandwhich from the shop instead. I hate when I do stupid stuff like that. The dargon found it in the fridge at home and ate it for me. I think I'm going to start using the train from next week. Actually, next Monday is a bank holiday, yeah, three-day weekend!

Very little exciting is happening in the news today. I notice that 11 of those arrested as part of the alleged terrorist plot to blow up aircraft have been charged and are to appear in court. I'm still not sure this is going anywhere. I haven't yet heard of any evidence that supports the theory that they were actually planning anything. I may be wrong.

It's late, I'm tired, more tomorrow.


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