Monday, August 28, 2006

Bank Holiday

Bank holiday Monday, and no chance of a lie in of course. We were up at 7, thanks to the baby. Actually I don't mind. I wake up early anyway.

We decided against going to the White Horse Show because it cost £7.50 to get in. Where does all the money go? It's just a bunch of people in a field. The Bristol Balloon Fiasco was free. We did visit Bowood House on Saturday which was quite fun. There are extensive grounds and gardens, and half the house is open to the public.

Today we finally got around to buying a high-chair. The one we wanted was £49.95, but the one we chose had last season's cushion design, so it was only £39.95. They didn't have any in stock, but it gets delivered on Friday I understand.

I bought my season ticket for the train this morning. I'm going to give it a try this week. It took two trips to get a ticket because I didn't realise I needed to bring a passport photo. I'm thinking the ticket is really easy to forge and I might have a go at it. I don't want to dodge fairs, just want to see if I can get a fake one past the guard.

Mother had her operation this week to correct a jaw problem. Apparently it went well, but according to Father she's still in some pain. So we wish her well. I'm going to call her again tomrrow to see how she is.

We tried feeding the little guy mashed carrot today and he hated it. I thought all babies loved carrot. He screamed, spat it out, threw up, and generally demonstrated his dislike of carrots very effectively.

There seems to be a bit of a fuss going on now about micro chip rubbish bins. I can't get to the bottom of this really, but it seems as though local authorities are monitoring waste disposal by putting chips in some bins. Honestly, the amount of monry this country wastes on crap, it's no wonder we have the fastest rising taxes of any industrial country in the world.


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