Saturday, August 26, 2006

Good day

I got paid today. Not only that, this is going to be a long weekend because Monday is a bank holiday. That'll be the first time in years I've been paid for a national holiday. It feels good. I want to buy a new matress. I also want to buy a new radio for the car. The existing one is very dead.

I got to work today at 9.10. That's late for me and it was because I forgot to update my iPOD the previous evening. I didn't want to drive to work sans radio, sans iPOD. One or the other would have been OK, but both out of action would represent a very bad start to the day.

I mentioned before that Herbert is starting to eat solids now, but I seldom get to see it these days because he only has his baby rice at lunchtime when I am at work. Today however he seemed hungry after milk at 8pm, so I gave him some more rice. He can grab the spoon and put it in his own mouth. I knew he was smart.

Tomorrow we are planning a visit somewhere, but I don't know where exactly. I was thinking we could go to Longleat, but that's quite a long way. Eugenie wants to see a British Stately home. I guess Longleat qualifies, but it has turned into more of a theme park in recent years. My parents used to live very near Longleat.

There seems to be a row going on at the moment about whether Pluto should be a planet. I can't say I really care very much. Haven't scientist got more important things to worry about? I heard of another study today informing us that Spring is definitely coming earlier each year. It's clearly supopsed to be another "proof" of global warming. I have a problem with this, mostly because the onset of Spring has got nothing to do with temperature really. It's to do with the tilt of the earth bringing the northern or southern hemisphere closer to the sun. This can be shown to be happening now exactly the same as it always has. The tilt of the earth hasn't changed.

It's late and I'm tired. I'm aware that I have not been writing anything of any great interest here lately. This is mostly due to the fact that I don't have much time right now. I will start up again at some point, but right now, other things take priority. I'm off to bed.


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