Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Moby Dick

My book list is growing. I need to read Moby Dick. I was told this morning that Moby Dick is about a man fighting the thought that perhaps God does not exist. I had no interest in the book until I learnt that.

I've found a particularly cool website that you should all look at. It's not suitable for work, it involves nudity, which has figured quite prominantly here recently, but it's tasteful. Click.

Clever innit? Did you try clicking on them?

I've mentioned before here about Liz Longhurst who has been campaigning to make "violent porn" illegal in Britain. It looks like she has won her battle and the government is planning to make possession of violent porn illegal and punishable with a three year prison sentence.

Longhurst is on this crusade because her daughter died during kinky sex with her boyfriend who was into the bondage porn thing. The Longhurst argument goes something like, "he was into violent porn, so it must have caused my daughter's death". That argument is about as strong as, "I saw a man with a green hat driving a Chrysler, so people who wear green hats all like Chryslers". How the hell does one define "violent porn" anyway? Click.

I'm amused by the fact that environmentalists are protesting at a coal fired power station in West Yorkshire. Apparently a camp sight has been set up and 500 people are there protesting against CO2 emissions. The BBC report makes the point that protestors are being searched, but they've missed the glaring irony. 30 years ago these people's parents were protesting against nuclear power at Greenham common and various other places. The reason we have coal fired power stations now is largely down to the environmentalists then. Why should we take any notice of them this time?

And that will do for now. I'm quite sure I will have to get up inthe night as the little guy has been difficult about feeds today. He hasn't had a poo either, which is disturbing. His new high chair arrived today, and Daddy had fun building it.


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