I really dislike this time of year. Summer is coming to an end. The weather is getting colder and the days are getting shorter. I'm OK with winter when it arrives, though I always look forward to it ending. Autumn is fine too. It's the end of summer that depresses the hell out of me. I'm definitely a summer person. I should reture to a warmer climate.
The little guy likes his new high-chair, but I think he has a cold. I was going to take a picture of him in the chair, but it's just too late now, so that will have to wait for tomorrow. We have an absolutely revolting device for sucking snot from his nose, which I used this morning before leaving for work. The dragon was just too scared.

That bulbous thing gets stuffed up his nose while the operator (me) sucks on the pipe. He actually doesn't seem to mind. While sucking on the pipe there is of course the nagging feeling that the only possible outcome is a mouthful of phlegm. Intellectually I know this is not a going to happen. Some survival instinct deep within the genetic makeup however attempts to persuade me otherwise.
Primal fear aside, I can report that this foul instrument is in fact quite effective.
There is a woman in my office that always seems to wear the exact same skirt and shirt. I only realised today that in three weeks, she has never looked different. This bothers me. Is she one of those serious academics that deosn't want to be bothered with choosing clothes and buys 15 sets of the same things so she doesn't have to worry about it? Is she really poor and can only afford one set of clothes? Or is she just dirty and doesn't care? I don't think she's poor or dirty.
OK, it's so late on Thrusday that it almost feels like Friday, and Friday is good because the next day is the weekend. So I'm going to leave it here for today and go to bed.
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