Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Kindney eating child rapist

I lost my damn bank card yesterday. Don't you just hate when that happens? As luck would have it however, I got it back. I was fairly sure I left it at the station yesterday when I bought my ticket. They found it and gave it back to me this morning. I think I left it in the stupid machine.

Today I got so into what I was doing at work I lost track of time. I didn't leave until nearly 6. I still got home by about 6.45 however. You know, the 8.29 train is always late in the morning. I don't know why they just don't rename it, the 8.40 train. Honestly, I've been using the train for two weeks now, and the 8.29 hasn't yet left before the 8.34. It's ridiculous.

It seems that convicted child killer Ian Huntly has attempted suicide in prison. This is another great advert for the death penalty. Even he wants to die. No one wants to pay for him to stay in jail for the rest of his life, and now he's costing us even more as we employ people to make sure he doesn't do it again. he world really would be a better place without him.

Today the dragon walked into the town with the baby. She likes to do this, and I think he likes it too. Apparently she met an old man as she sat on a seat outside one of the big department stores and he started a conversation with her. The old man was divorced and had three children, but somehow he had lost touch with them. He asked if he could hold the baby and the dragon let him. Half of me is horrified by this. What if he had run off with my son, raped him, and ate his kidneys? The other half of me thinks it's wonderful that she gave the old man the chance to hold this new life. She says he was so happy that she let him hold him.

I can't ignore the negative feelings, but very few old men are kidney eating child rapists, and I'm glad he had the chance to hold my son. The dragon did something to make an old man happy today, and that's a good thing right?

I unraveled the Sept 18th thing by the way. It's my sister in law's birthday. I don't know why I was draming about it, but I was, so there it is.

I notice the OD question of the week is "what is the most important thing you learnt at school?" I think that would have to be that, even though the teachers were mostly not as smart as me, I still had to take their crap. And yes, I really was that cynical, that young.


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