Friday, September 15, 2006

I'm OK with it

It's Friday - Woot! This weekend is unplanned, except that we intend to get a new matress. I'm sure we'll find something else to amuse ourselves as well. I also have to take apart the fuse box and see what I can do about fixing it come to think of it. I guess that is pencilled in for tomorrow morning after breakfast. I've decided that, even though the main fuse has been security sealed by the Electric company, I'm going to break the seal and pull the damn fuse anyway. There's no other way to cut the power to the fuse box and they refused to come out and look at the problem because the fuse box is my responsibility apparently. They can't have it both ways as far as I'm concerned.

I read on the internet this morning that it's going to rain tomorrow, but it actually looks quite nice now. I've decided that television weather reports have become incomprehensible these days. At one time we used to have a man standing in front of a giant map of the UK with magnetic rainclouds and sun symbols. It was really easy to understand. If there is a cloud over your town, take an umbrella. These days we seem to get only satellite pictures at obscure angles. The morning weather on the BBC is the worst. They pan up and down a map of the country and you can never tell where you are because it keeps bloody moving. Another classic case of over-doing the technology. I look on the internet now.

I just heard that the baby has been weighed and has gone up to 6.7 kg I think. I understand that his temperature might go up a bit while his teeth are coming, so we have to take this into account when dressing him and putting blankets on him. Why does his temperature go up?

Seems like the Holy Father has made a bit of an arse of himself. He's made a speech in Germany in which he quoted some 14th Century Christian Emperor who claimed Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things. I think the Pope is in a difficult position. As a Christian he has to believe that only those accepting the sacrifice of Christ will attain salvation. He therefore thinks all Jews, Muslims, Seiks, Atheists, Agnostics, Scientologists, Bhuddists, Hindus, and Pagans (around 70% of the world) are going to burn in hell. Apparently he's not allowed to say this though.

The Pope's comemnts have riled Muslims and I suppose it's going to cause some problems. I was concerned about this for a while, and then I thought, "wait a minute, Christians and Muslims fighting each other, actually I'm OK with that".


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