Monday, September 25, 2006

Pepper spray

This weekend, we returned to Cirencester, this time on Saturday, so it was open. Sadly, we still managed to miss the traditional market because it winds up at lunchtime and we were buggering about doing other stuff. There will be other times however.

Friend Murdoch mailed me a box of tomatoes. Apparently he has a glut and we don't. He felt embarrassed because I gave him the seedlings and they are doing better than ours. We have other good things growing in our garden however. We spent quite a long time in the garden yesterday clearing weeds and packing them into bags. The front garden hasn't looked that clear in months.

Somehow we managed to buy printer ink yesterday at Tesco and then leave it there. Well, it might be swimming around the boot of the car, I haven't looked yet. I hate when stuff like that happens.

The little guy has been coughing and sneezing all weekend, but he did seem better yesterday than Saturday. I think he caught the Dragon's cold. I felt a bit off colour over the weekend too, but I feel better now.

The guy they pulled in over the mysterious death of the young woman in Swindon has been released on bail without charge. I don't understand that. If they haven't charged him with anything, how the hell can he be on bail? In any case, it does mean that whoever threw her from the top of the car park is still free to do it to someone else.

I keep thinking about mugger deterants. In this country one isn't allowed to carry anything more dangerous than a pea shooter, which is what makes mugging so popular. I was thinking that I might try and make a pepper spray. Your not allowed to buy or sell mace or anything like that here, but I was thinking, can't be that tough to make it. Then I realised there was no point poncing about doing that when I could just import a crte load from Taiwan. There you can get the full range of sprays and dyes. I just need to get someone to drop one in the mail for me. Better not send it airmail though. Don't want those bad boys exploding in the hold.

The news today is dominated by Gordon Brown who is trying to convince the world that he is not a power mad control freak, but still wants to be Prime Minister. That's going to be difficult to pull off. I think Tony Blair will be giving his conference speech tomorrow, which means there will be no other news tomorrow either.

I did read that a three year old accidentally managed to buy a car on e-bay using his parents' account. But frankly, the stry isn't that great. He just manage to clcik the right button because his parents' left themselves signed on. Click.


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