Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tissue of lies

Oh there is nothing in the news today even remotely interesting. Except that everyone is calling David Blunkett's diary a tissue of lies. In fact I was most pleased to see that Lord John Stevens, former Met Police Chief, thick as pig shit, and someone I usually loath with a passion you wouldn't believe, said that David Blunkett was a "bully and a liar". He also said you should never speak to him alone because you would likely need a witness.

It's getting colder and I've been turning the central heating on in the mornings. My parents seem to have become immune to the cold in their old age. When we visited at the weekend, their house was much colder than ours and they haven't started using the heat yet. They do live half way up a mountain.

Paul McCartney appears to have been accused of physical abuse by his estranged wife. I find that difficult to believe somehow. The Madonna adoption case continues, and now questions are being asked about how the hell she managed to do it. I'm really in two minds about this one now.

Remember ages ago I told everyone I was very dubious about the announcement from NASA claiming there was water ice on the moon? They should have listened to me. It's now being suggested that all the radar evidence they collected is likely to point to rocky deposits and not ice after all. Told you. They need a few more skeptic in NASA. Click.

Cod stocks are all running out, and Iceland has started commercial whaling again.


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