Saturday, October 21, 2006


The big news today is that I've put the dragon on the car insurance and we're going to go out for some practice at the weekend. She already holds a Taiwanese licence, but she hasn't driven for some years, so it will be an adventure. I'm sort of thinking that I should get someone else to take her out. You shouldn't really teach loved ones to drive should you. I should try a few times though. If things go pear shaped, we'll have to get some lessons.

OK, predictions, I've been thinking about predictions. This came about because two, yes two, of my past predictions came true this week. There isn't any damn water on the moon and Jane longhurst was not murdered by her boyfriend. So here is my list of current predictions. I may add to this, but I won't take anything away:

Bin Laden has been dead for years.
There is no life or water on Mars. It's a rock.
The ozone layer isn't getting bigger.
The planet isn't getting hotter.
Hydrogen is the future of internal combustion. Fuel cells are a joke.
Blue Ray DVD can't survive because it's too expesive.
The segway scooter company is going to go bust.

OK that'll do for now. I think I might make a predictions page and link to it everywhere. I could even turn this into a betting game or somehting.

The above was written Friday but never posted. Since then we have been driving and didn't fight. We did go on public roads very briefly, but it was mostly in a deserted car park. She needs practice and confidence, but she'll be fine.

Tomorrow we intend to go to Bristol. It's not very exciting, but who knows, something may happen.


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