Friday, October 27, 2006


I've decided that I am going to submit a short story to Pseudopod. I don't write fiction and I have certainly never sold anything, but who knows, there could be some wild untapped vein of creativity in me that I just didn't know about. If they don't buy it, and I don't think there's much chance they will, I'll post it here and people can be as critical as they like about it. It's already written, but it needs some tweaking. It's just not dark enough. I'll keep you posted on that one.

Last night I was eavesdropping on two young women waiting for the same bus as me. One of them was claiming that she had no time for love and relationships. She claimed that love was selfish. They other found her point of view difficult to understand. Their conversation turned to a particular female friend who evidently told them that her boyfriend had told her that he would leave her if she started smoking. They were discussing whether making that kind of demand on someone is selfish. It's interesting isn't it. I'd say that the relationship probably doesn't fall into most people's definition of love. I'm thinking about it anyway.

I mentioned a few days ago about a man who had been pooing on trains in the south of England. The police were looking for him. Well he's been caught at some bus station. I wanted to catch him, but it was not to be. But at least he's not taking a dump on trains anymore.

OK, this weekend I will be making pumpkin lanterns and lots of other groovy stuff.


At 12:10 am, Blogger Richard said...

My last day at work today - so I won't be able to keep up with your blog for the next few months.

I will be sure to pop in and read a little as and when I can.


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