Thursday, November 02, 2006

A window from which to throw it

I watched about 4 minutes of Crimewatch on tv last night. Apparently some nutter is on the loose in Bournemouth. He's murdered 1 woman and cut off her breasts; and he appears to be sitting behind women on buses and cutting their hair. What drives a man to do this kind of thing?

It appears that we in Britain have the worst behaved teenagers in Christendom - Tell me somethign I don't know.

It's so cold at work that I'm typing this wearing a scarf. Actually that's not true, but I was wearing a scarf earlier.

My boss just met me in the kitchen. He's a millionaire. He asked me what I was reading. Turns out he's just ordered the same book from Amazon. I paid £16 for my copy. He paid £3 for his, second hand. That's why he drives an Aston Martin, and I don't have a pot in which to p*ss in or a window from which to throw it. You live and learn.

I've submitted a short story to Pseudopod. I'm sure I've mentioned this, but it actually got sent yesterday. So wish me luck with that. I've also written to the company the scamming window cleaner claimed to be working for. MOre news on that as we get it. I'm also going to see if I can get the cheque I wrote him traced so I can have an address for him. You need that to serve papers.

OK, short of time, going to end here.


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