Wednesday, November 15, 2006


The dragon called me at work today and told me that some nice people had knocked at the door and spoken to her for a long time, "they gave me a free magazine", she told me. Now, guess what my next line was...

"It's called the Watchtower isn't it"

"How did you know?"

"Don't let them in the house"

"They seemed very nice"

"They're mad"

That was pretty much how the conversation went. Apparently they went away saying that they would come back with a friend who spoke Chinese. I don't know if they did because the dragon went out for the afternoon.

Dumpy had his 8 month check up today. He scored well on all the tests except he can't sit up by himself. He can stay sitting up if someone puts him in the position, he just can't get there by himself. So, I'm drilling him on sitting up practice from tomorrow. The nurse also said he is about to sprout some more teeth. I'm glad about this because I'm bored with the first two now. Actually, the existing two seem to have stopped growing, which makes them even more boring.

I noticed this morning that the message painted down the side of the Didcot Power Station Chimney by the Nature Nazis from Greenpeace, is unfinished. It's supposed to say, "Blair's Legacy". It actually says, "Blair's Legac". I can't decide whether I'm more pleased that the message was anti-Blir, or that the Nature Nazis were unable to finish it.


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