Monday, November 20, 2006

Quick one

Nothing of note happened this weekend. I made Dumpy's dinner last night from raw materials. I've never done this before, but he ate all of it, even his pureed mango. He seems to be off his fruit at the moment, but the mango was not something he'd tried before and he seemed to like it. He also seems to like yoghurt we have discovered.

I plumbed in the washing machine properly yesterday, so we no longer have to keep a bucket on the floor of the kitchen to catch the drips from the disconnected hose. I still haven't wired it in properly. I'll do that tonight if I get time.

Apparently a woman has been thrown off a plane for breast feeding in the US. What is it about Americans and bosoms? This is being reported as a rights and freedom issue. It's really not, it's a stupidy issue.

There is a documentary on tv tomorrow which claims to go further than ever before towards identifying Jack the Ripper. I'm quite interested in this and I think I want to watch. I'll let you know tomorrow how that went. By the way, I watched "Mall Rats" the other night and it is unfettered garbage. I really want to see "The Prestige", but the chances of me getting out to a cinema any time soon are minimal.

I'm busy at work. This means I don't get a chance to write much during the day.


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