Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Standard Pervert

I never managed to write anything yesterday again, and I don't know why because I'm not exactly overwhelmed with work now. I did forget to bring my flash disk to work with me, but that's not really an issue, I can mail things to myself. I forgot it today too. I think I'm winding down for Christmas. Half the problem is the fact that we've changed Dumpy's schedule and he now sleeps between 8pm and 7am. That's good in as much as we don't have to feed and bath him at 10pm, but bad in that I don't get those 20 minutes after I bathed him to play on the internet. It's complicated, don't waste any time thinking about it.

Currently the only story really making the news at the moment is to do with a serial killer on the loose in Ipswitch. I don't remember ever going to Ipswitch. It's not a must see place. If I was trying to make my name as a serial killer, I think I'd start in Whitechapel. Why mess with a proven formular? Anyway, there were five dead prostitutes at the last count. They all seem to have been murdered within the last 10 days and within 6 miles of Ipswitch town centre. He's going to run out of working girls pretty soon. I read yesterday that there are only about 30 regular street walkers in the town.

The main topic of discussion on the Have Your Say section at the BBC website seems to be whether we should be calling these women "prostitutes". People get themsleves worked up about the strangest things. Does it matter what we call them? Surely the important thing is the fact that there's some nutter out there bumping off women.

There is a £250,000 reward for hiscapture. So, what do we know about him...

He seems to dump victims naked in rural areas outside the town, yet no clothing has been found apart from a pair of trainers. The sites where the bodies have been found don't appear to be murder sites. So I think we can assume he drives the bodies there. He either hides the clothes, or he's keeping them. Underwear fetish maybe? He left a pair of shoes behind, so he probably doesn't have a foot fetish. He doesn't seem to have sexually assaulted the women, so maybe he just likes looking at them naked. Maybe that's how he gets satisfaction. Maybe he can't perform. Some are saying he's a religious zealot on a personal quest to remove prostitution from the world. So why is he taking their clothes off? Nah - he's your standard pervert if you ask me.

So that's my take on the matter, where's my £250,000?

OK that's all for tonight.


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