Saturday, December 02, 2006


I've hardly been writing here at all lately. It's not that I don't want to. It's just that I haven't had time. I usually write something at lunchtimes, but work has been busy these last couple of weeks, so even that has been difficult. I've been working on computer based training material for a client. I had to finish a first draft for this week because I am taking next week off.

This will be the first paid holiday I've had since 2001. Actaully, that's not quite true. My last contract in Taipei did pay me for a few days off, and they gave me some time to have a honeymoon. But it wasn't like proper, paid leave. I'll probably feel guilty.

I can't get worked up about anything in the news lately. Maybe I've just not be paying attention, but there simply doesn't appear to be anything happening. I did notice that the Daily Sport led yesterday with the news that Brittany has been snapped exiting a car without underwear. Who'd have thought it?

I got the car back today. It drives much better after its service. The brakes work now, which can only be a good thing. They changed the disks as well as the pads. I'd have stopped them from changing the disks if I'd been aware that they were going to do it. I'm sure the disks were scored up, but they would have passed an MOT. Anyway, the whole lot came to 500 quid, including new radiator, new door handle, fixing the horn, full service. It's much smoother.

We had all the weekly grocery shopping finished by 11 o'clock today and we went into town for Christmas shopping, The festive season is truely upon us now. There were hoards of people in town and it has become impossible to walk more than about 5 yards without being accosted by a santa clause raising money for charity (aren't they suppsoed to give presents?) or some weirdo bent on saving me from eternal damnation. THe Salvation Army were out in force blowing their horns also today.

We got a little Christmas tree and some decorations. I've never decorated my home for Christmas before. I'm looking forward to it because of Dumpy.

We were going to go to Devon for a coupel of days, but the parents are having a plumbing disaster and we elected not to go in case things worsen. The probelm should be fixed on Thursday.

I'm goingto trya nd write a few entries here next week.


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