Friday, January 05, 2007

I'd sign anything

I didn't write anything yesterday because I was working from home. I've never really worked at home before and I wasn't sure that I would actually be able to apply myself. However, I found that I probably got at least as much done at home as I would have at the office, mostly because I actually felt guilty about taking advantage of the opportunity to skive.

The reason I worked from home yesterday was so that I could take Dumpy to see the doctor. Our usual doctor was sick yesterday, so we saw his understudy, but he was very nice and clearly likes children. Dumpy is still not firing on all cylinders, but I think the worst is over now. He ate lots of lunch today and hasn't thrown up for almost 48 hours now. The doctor did say that he could prescribe anti-biotics but didn't think he needed to. So we're giving it another week to get better. I feel confident about it now.

There is a strange situation occurring at Exeter University. The Evangelical Christian Union has had its bank account frozen and has been banned from using facilities by the Students' Guild because students wishing to become members are asked to sign something affirming their belief in Christ. As we all know, I'm neither a student, nor a Christian, and as such I am not entitled to opinion here, but I've got one anyway. And this may surprise you. I think I am on the side of the Christian union here. I have no idea why the CU would want a signed declaration of allegiance to Jesus Christ, but who cares? I wouldn't have any problem signing a piece of paper that says I believe in Christ, even though I don't. And if the CU want that piece of paper to preserve their status Quo, well why not?

However, technically I think the Students' Guild actually has a legal right to object because the CU is funded by all students and should therefore be open to all students. In real terms, not everyone is as unprincipled as me and some might indeed find it difficult to sign the declaration. Why these people would want to join the CU is beyond me, but the situation could arise. It seems that it is going to end up in court and my money is on the CU losing. What a complete waste of time and money.

Tony Blair has refused to comment on the manner of Saddam Hussein's execution. Idiot Boy Bush has said he had hoped for a more dignified death. Bush also said, "... my personal reaction is that Saddam Hussein was given a trial that he was unwilling to give the thousands of people he killed." Two things strike me about this; firstly, I don't think anyone is under any illusion here that Saddam's trial was anything more than window dressing and that the verdict was decided long before the trial started. Secondly, Bush seems to have forgotten about the tens of thousands of innocent people who died without trial bringing Saddam to justice


At 4:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that the doctor didn't blanket prescribe antibiotics. They do that far to often, especially in children.


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