Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Gay Rights

I can't get worked up about the gay argument. On my list of important stuff, gay rights is so far down the list that I can't even see it. It does however appear to be important for the religious nutters. There is a protest taking place today against new legislation that would make it illegal to discriminate against people based on their sexuality. In short, if this legislation were to get passed, organisations would not be able to refuse to give someone a job, serve them in a shop, or allow them on a bus because they were gay. Now I thought that this was already the case, but I am apparently wrong. The protest today is of course organised by Christians.

The Christians argue that they must be allowed to discriminate against gays because it says they must in the bible, and therefore they can't be proper Christians unless they do. Maybe it's not fair to put it like that. No doubt Christians don't consider their actions discriminatory when they ban gays from Christian organisations. It's an interesting argument though isn't it? The Christian argument is based on the premis that being gay is anti social, and the legal argument is based on the premis that discrimination against gays is anti social. And of course, both sides are right if one defines something that offends a significant amount of society as "anti social".

Ultimately this can only end one way. And the protestors will not win. The Christian church is already becoming more liberal and gay people are welcome in some, perhaps most, churches. The hard line fundamentalists are attempting to retain a strict anti gay stance, but they only have two choices; break away from the mainstream, or give up the fight. The churches that already accept homosexuality will not join them. Rowan Williams has already realised this and is clearly very bothered by the prospect of a split in the Anglican church. I think it's inevitable. Which is why ladies and gentlemen. that the only way forward is atheism.

As I write this I am reading that the protest has failed and the Lords have voted to go ahead with the new legislation. Now, if I can see it coming, why are we wasting time debating it?

It's late and I'm tired. Dumpy has been waking us up at all hours lately, so here I will leave it for tonight.

It's nice to see January Girl back by the wway.


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