Monday, January 15, 2007


It's the end of the week. I'm tired. The boy seems to think it's funny to wake his daddy up every couple of hours at the moment. I hope that stops before too long. He does seem well again now, it's just a change of sleeping patterns. He doesn't seem to want to sleep in the morning any more either.

Celebrity Big Brother has turned into an utter farce this time. I'm not watching it, but it seems that three celebs have now walked out in about 10 days. I can't understand why the producers can't see a problem. If the housemates are all walking out, then surely things aren't going well. Or do they think that it makes good tv? I read that viewing figures were not high however. It's much more watchable when people are getting on well I think.

Interest rates rose unexpectedly yesterday. That means mortgages will go up of course. Oh good. I don't know how people on low salaries manage in this country. I'm sure house prices are going to take a dive some time soon. Actually, I have been saying that for some time. But surely they have to stop rising soon.

*** I wrote the above on Friday, but never posted it.***

I'm having panic attacks about my tax return. As usual I forgot about it and it has to be filed by the end of the month. I have some documentation missing as usual, and I don't have the form to tell the enemy about the property I let during the last finacial year. What really terrifies me is the fact that I have to do the calculation myself because I didn't get it in before the end of September. I absolutely refuse to pay my accountant another £180 to do this for me, so I'm going to muddle through. My new year resolution is not to let this happen again next year. Actually, assuming that I am still in the country and employed in April, it should be straight forward. There was that period where I was unemployed of course, but that is trivial. I just don't understand why they make filing tax returns so damn complicated.

Gordon Brown is a complete bastard and currently second on my shit list this week, not only becuase he makes filing a tax return the most firghtening thing in Christendom, but also because he's decided to impose extra tax on people flying from next month and he's made it retrospetive. Thus, people that have bought air tickets already, like me, are now facing extra charges. I can't understand why no one has taken a pot shot at him and Blair.

The boy is still waking up every hour or so at night. I wish it wouold stop. I wouldn't mind so much if I knew why it was happening. He's not hungry. He just seems to want to make a noise. The dragon just called me and said he's been difficult all morning. She sounds a bit down. I'll buy her some flowers or something on the way home.

I'm entering another quiet patch at work. This bothers me. I don't kow how to handle the situation when I don't have much on and it looks bad.

Why does Britain get fewer holidays than everybody else? We only get 8 bank holidays this year. The Germans get two more, so do the Americans, and the French. I think we were short changed. I'm looking forward to our Asia trip, but I couldn't work in any bank holidays so I had to take 13 days out of my annual leave.

OK, this isn't finished, but I'm going to post it or I'll never do it.


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