Thursday, January 11, 2007

Stormy Weather

Well it's raining today and we have flood warnings in place. Surprisingly, my train was almost on time this morning despite bad weather. First Great Western trains have said they will increase capacity after government threats to remove their franchise. I think there are intending to add extra carriages to existing trains, which won't really help me much, though I did have to stand this morning. I want them to add a couple of extra damn trains. Well actually I hope they lose their franchise - scumbags.

I saw a FGW spokesman on the news this morning supposedly defending the company. On the subject of loosing the franchise, his message appeared to be, "It doesn't matter what name is on the side of the train, the problems won't go". Well they won't go if you believe them to be insurmountable will they.

Here's a thought; organic bananas. I bought "organic" bananas yesterday because there weren't any standard bananas left. Then I got thinking, bananas are a fruit cultivated entirely by humans. They have been cross bred and mutated to provide us humans with food. They would die out without human intervention because they can't even reproduce by themselves, they're seedless. How can bananas ever be described as "organic"?

I think I would have liked to be a magician. I came across a video recently of a lady magician doing the vanishing silk handkerchief trick. I know of a way to do this trick using a device called a pull, but I don't think she's using one in the video because she performs naked. Oh, that link probably isn't safe for work by the way. So, I'm guessing she's using a false thumb. Where the hell do you go to get a false thumb? Anyway, this got me into doing a bit of research and now I feel like I should have been a magician.

My parents just called. They said that the council wouldn't come and remove their old copper hot water tank unless they dragged it down to the gate. Apparently the council aren't insured to come into gardens. My parents explained that they were old and knackered and eventually the council said they would come and collect it, but they have to pay extra money, Makes you wonder what the hell we're having our testicles extracted through our wallets in the form of council tax for doesn't it.



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