Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And another thing...

I have developed a real dislike of those pathetic little folding bicycles that commuters use. They don't fit anywhere on the train and you always find them blocking the doors. Why don't these people get proper bicycles and put them in the damn bicycle carriage like normal people. I think of these things like toy poodles. If you want a dog, get a real one. Today's train was late and crowded. I did find a seat eventually. Oh, and the door at one end of carriage B wouldn't open, so I had to walk to the other end of the carriage to get out.

There is a petition on line to lobby the government over the issue of the appalling train service. I was the 500th signature. I'd love to see this petition get much bigger, though only British Nationals may sign and an e-mail address and postcode are required.

I'm wearing my old glasses to day and they are scratched. I'd forgotten just how scratched they are. It's driving me mad. I need to get some new ones. I'll do it next month. There are too many things to pay for at the moment. We had to pay for air tickets this month and we ran out of money. Next month it's car insurance, then tax bill. Which reminds me, I have to call the tax office. Every month I seem to get some extra expense anyway.

Dumpy continues to sleep through the night. I don't know what prompted that episode of waking every two hours, but I am seriously glad that it appears to be over. He apparently has a real problem with beef currently. He eats almost anything, but lately minced beef seems to make him sick. He likes chicken, pork, fish, it's just beef. I think we will not give him any for a while, we don't want him sick on an aeroplane. We're currently trying to teach him to drink from a cup with only limited success. He likes to drink water from a cup, but give him milk and he protests quite violently. He's also started to sit up and even pull himself to his feet now. I've lowered his cot mattress to prevent a disaster.


I forgot to bring my flash disk to work yesterday, hence the above was not posted.

There is a row going on at the moment over Christian adoption agencies and whether or not they should be allowed to discriminate against gay couples wishing to adopt. This is actually a non trivial matter in legal terms, because current legislation means that they would have to give same sex couples the same rights as heterosexuals. To change that would mean making them exempt. I think this is ironic because they remain able to discriminate freely against fat people, poor people, smokers, old people, single people, people with police records, alcoholics, etc. but that's another story. The Catholics and the Anglicans have now said that they will close agencies if compelled to allow same sex adoption.

Here's my view; I don't care what people do with their genitals. On my list of important things, homosexuality is so far down the list I can hardly see it. In fact it's much further down then banning those stupid folding bicycles. However, I do recognise that a significant portion of society is offended by homosexuality, and as such, homosexuality is in some sense anti social. Therefore, any legislation that forces people to accept this anti social activity is probably not something of which I approve. Personally I don't really approve of Christianity either, but I'm not sure that's important now. In my view, pro gay legislation is not conducive to a harmonious society.

I've wandered from the path that I was originally walking. I was going to say, if I died, I'd want my son to go to a good adopted family obviously. If I could choose a family, I would choose a family with a heterosexual couple because an alternative lifestyle would probably be an unnecessary obstacle. I don't care which way this argument goes, but legislation is due to come into force in April, and Blair will get caught in the crossfire because he has to support the legislation, yet he professes to be a Christian. His foul wife is of course a Catholic.


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