Friday, January 26, 2007


It's been suggested that the PM has caved in on the issue of allowing Christian adoption agencies to turn away potential parents if they are gay. In any case, it looks like they won't be allowed to discriminate. I don't care about the outcome, though I'm pleased it caused trouble for the government.

I can't help wondering what will become of the cash for peerages row. People have been arrested. The government has been accused of withholding data. I can't see why this isn't a bigger scandal. I think it's beyond the point now where it could just come to nothing. I think there have to be casualties.

British Airways staff are going on Strike. What is more, they are going on strike the day I fly to Taiwan. We're not using BA however, so I guess that means we won't be affected. I hope not. We're both getting nervous about flying with Dumpy for the first time. We still haven't decided whether to attempt taking a pushchair with us. My personal feeling is that we should just use the sling thing. He seems to like it and it packs up small. If we did take a pushchair we would have to get a new one because the current one is the size of a house.

I never got around to finishing yesterday's entry, so I will just carry on with it today.

We're going to Devon for the weekend, so please don't burgle the house. I'll leave "live House cam" running so we can see the place while we are away. I was thinking of building a sentry robot. That would be cool wouldn't it. I could get a wireless web cam and stick it on as a vision system. If I could control it via internet, that would be ultra cool. I think I'll work on this.

I have to get my tax return filled in and sent off. I can do it tomorrow evening and post it by Monday at the latest. I hate tax. Which somehow reminds me, I have to check with the ticket company whether or not I have to fork out extra cash for Gordon Brown's bloody tax hike on air travel. I also need to think about how we will get to the bloody airport and whether I need to book a carpark space.

It occurred to me today that if I live until I am 78, I've already lived half my life. And 78 is quite old. I've still got loads of stuff to do. I haven't got time to die yet.

The Home Office is a total shambles at the moment. I mean, a total shambles.


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