Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tom Symonds is a Knob

Dumpy hasn't been eating very well this week. I think his teeth hurt. This is worrying because he is going to be traveling next week. I really don't want to have a sick 10 month old with me on the other side of the world. I've had a report from the dragon that he had a good amount of formula milk for breakfast this morning, so maybe it was just a phase.

There seem to be a number of letter bomb attacks going on around Britain currently. Targets appear to be organisations connected with motorists. One target was a company connected with the London congestion charge, another was a company that provides speed cameras, and today the DVLA appears to have been hit. At first glance this looks like a pissed off motorist. I've just read however that each package bears the name "Barry Horne". Horne became famous in the 90s for terrorist attacks in the name of animal liberation. He was jailed and went on huger strike in prison where he thankfully later died. Animal liberation nutters and pro motorist groups don't appear immediately compatible to me.

It's apparently going to snow tonight. I suppose that might be quite fun, but more than about two flakes of snow throws out the railway system completely in this country. So I hope it isn't too much or for too long.

The new Airbus A380 has been doing some test flights with media passengers today in an effort to publicise itself. The report I saw was typically stupid. The reporter (Tom Symonds) asked, "is this plane greener than it's rivals?". He then went on to explain how it is claimed to use 14% less fuel than a conventional jumbo. Instead of praising the remarkable feat of engineering that made this possible, he went on to point out that this will likely encourage more air travel and therefore not be green at all. From this we can therefore conclude that the future of greener flight is to be attained by building planes that use more fuel. What a Dick Head!


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