Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm Sceptical

A letter in the Daily Telegraph yesterday, spotted by father and sent to me by e-mail, sums up my feelings exactly on climate change isues. I think people are just begining to turn against conventional wisdom. And it's about time. I've had just about enough of politicians and economists telling me I'm destroying the planet. When I hear it from an unbiased scientist, not on a politician's payroll, then I'll sit up and start taking notice.

Incidentally, the second letter which talks of 364 economists getting it wrong, refers to Mrs Thatcher going against accepted economic principles and getting it right in 1981. Clone her now while you still have the opportunity my friends. Incidentally, everyone should check out The Margaret Thatcher Foundation website. I only have one critisism of this site, it should have been titled, "I told you so".

I also notice in today's news that Lord Lawson has now publicly trashed the Stern report and questioned its validity. Good news for us sceptics.

A colleague of mine has just returned from Toronto. Airport security confiscated his hair gel. It could have been a bomb you see. I thought we were allowed to carry these things again. The plot to blow up a plane using liquids has been completely discredited. No one has been charged as far as I know, and I can't get past the idea that every time we allow ourselves to be inconvenienced by scum terrorists, they win.

The Conservative party has launched a campaign to advertise the fact that they oppose id cards and will scrap the plan as soon as they are elected. So far £58 million has been wasted on this vile scheme and the present government has estimated a total cost of £5.8 billion over ten years. Everybody else has estimated a cost of about four times that figure. The fact that the Tories are so vocal in opposing the scheme is good. I thought that they would probably let the legislation through.


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