Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sushi Experience

So tired was I last night that I never managed to publish the entry I wrote yesterday until now. I realise that the last entry is riddled with typos incidentally, and I don't care. I suspect I will feel pretty groggy tonight also. I woke up at 4 am again and didn't really sleep after that. I don't know why the jet lag is taking so long to subside this time. It usually sorts itself out in a day or two.

The cash for peerages row rumbles on this morning with new allegations in the Guardian newspaper claiming that Lord Levy asked an aide at Downing Street to doctor evidence. It's not really very clear where they got this information. But since the Guardian published the piece this morning, the BBC injunction has been lifted and details of their story, which is basically the same, have been released. The BBC story claims that Lord Levy (chief fundraiser for the Labour party) gave Ruth Turner (Downing Street aide) a version of events that she believed to be untrue. The BBC says that they haven't actually seen the document in question, but the story has been verified from multiple sources.

China is desperately trying to limit internet use and has banned more internet cafes from opening this year. The official line is that it is to combat the rising problem of internet addiction. In fact it's because they are finding it difficult to police the rising number of existing users.

The Penn Jillette show on CBS free FM has ended. It was my favourite podcast and I don't know what I am going to listen to on the train in the morning now. I need to review my podcast list. I don't really listen to any of my subscribed casts now. For the time being I have taken to rereading the HP books in readiness for the final conflict on July 21st.

Dumpy's first visit to a sushi bar!


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