Oh the irony

Weekend was fraught. We're both nervous about taking a 10-month old child half way round the world, and after the hideous Christmas we had, we're both terrified about him becoming sick. He seemed fine until yesterday, then came the vomit, gallons of it. I took him to the doctor before work this morning and it appears he has an ear infection. Isn't that great timing? I think we will still go, but it's not a thrilling prospect. He still has a couple of days to recover. He didn't throw up after breakfast milk this morning.
I wasn't expecting to come to work this morning, but we saw the nurse so quickly at the health centre that I was able to get here only a little late. I was unprepared however. I had no lunch, and my iPod wasn't downloaded. This means I have still not heard the Penn Jillette show with James Randi. I will download and listen tonight.
We bought him a magic folding up bed on Saturday. It was quite expensive, but it is exactly what we need and he seems to like it. It's like a little tent for babies with a mattress at the bottom. It's a good job I have a science degree, you need one to fold it up. I think we have just about everything we need now. That's tempting fate isn't it. There is also the issue of trying to get it all in the suit cases.
I read the other day about an airport scanner that can see through clothes. I know it sounds pervy, but I quite want to have a go with that. Stand in it I mean, not look at other people. I wonder if I could build one.
There has been much in the news this weekend about David Cameron and his alleged cannabis experience whilst at Eton. His response has been to state that he is not commenting on anything that he did before he was a politician. I think it's a reasonable comment, and I was pleased to see that even John Reid seems to be supporting that stance. It is a sad fact however, that the media are not likely to let it drop. Norman Tebbit is almost certainly right, if politicians don't admit these things, they're likely to come out anyway, and it's better you do it yourself than let the muck raking pond slime do it.
I can't help wondering whether I would be saying the same thing if it were a politician that I despised being caught in this trap. Actually I'm not a Cameron fan. There are pictures of Cameron leaving church in this morning's papers and the cynic in me is wondering whether his is another politician using Christianity as a tool for election, like Blair does. Oh how I hate that.
Just got a report from the dragon that Dumpy has thrown up again. I don't know what to do. I think we have to go. I just hope it won't be too awful. It doesn't look as bad as last time, and we can get medical help in Taiwan if we have to. Damn this bad timing. We were originally going to go on 27 Jan, and we would be back by now. But we changed that plan because we weren't sure he had recovered from the Christmas bug. Oh the irony.
OK, more updates tomorrow.
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