Tuesday, March 13, 2007


We spent the weekend in Devon. The weather has been very lovely. My parents were very pleased to see their grandson. A weekend is never really long enough. It seems we have to leave almost as soon as we arrive. Easter is approaching however and we can have 4 days at some point. Dumpy's first birthday is also just around the corner. Maybe we can combine the two things.

A couple have people asked me for the address of the dragon's Chinese blog: Click here!

I had a discussion with my father about terrorism this weekend. I've come to the conclusion that the current terrorist threat from the muslim world is most frightening because I don't understand what the terrorist demands are. I grew up with IRA terrorism around me. It was frightening, but I understood it. The terrorists wanted a separate republican state, not ruled by Britain. I didn't approve of their motives, neither did I think they would be effective, but I understood. I still don't know why the terrorists blew up the WTC, or the London underground. What do they want me to do?

It emerged last week that Terry Wogan, someone whom I have never really liked very much, has been paid a fee for presenting the Children in Need Charity show each year. I don't really approve of these large TV charity events. I've always found it rather nauseating to watch the world's hyper-rich trying to make less wealthy people feel guilty for not giving to charity. It strikes me that when Children in Need makes £15 million in a single evening, the entire sum could have been donated by the host, whilst still leaving him richer than probably everyone who did actually donate. I sound like a socialist. I'm not a socialist, I just recognise people trying to ease their consciences when I see it.

The documentary on Ponce Charles was most illuminating last night. According to the Channel 4 dispatches team, Charles has been lobbying MPs since he was invested as the Ponce of Wales in 1969. They managed to get comments from academics, politicians, law lords, and even some old hunting friends. Ultimately his suitability to take the throne was called into question. One can't really blame the guy for having opinions of course, even if they are wrong. The problem is, stating these opinions publicly is an abuse of his position.

Alleged dodgy business practices of the Duchy of Cornwall estate were also covered. As far as I can tell, the estate is exempt from capital gains tax and corporation tax. It also seems that the tax office aren't in a position to audit the business. This of course gives it an incredible advantage over the competition. The Prince's office has defended itself fairly aggressively, though not very effectively I would say. They don't seem to cover the issue of dodgy business practices at all.


At 2:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your assessment of Moslem based terrorism. The lack of a central requirements makes a hard to understand thing a million times harder to wrap one's head around. Maybe it's because they, they being the capital letter Terrorist, are so many little groups, disorganized and so stuck in their fundamentalism that even THEY don't know what they want..

No more MTV in Iran? The end of Britney Spears? No more pornography? No pork products for anybody anymore? At least those would be tangible, though unrealistic requests.. But maybe that's the route of it? Terrorism in it's truest form seems to me to be the complete and total absence of any sense at all. And that seems to be something done down pat.

Is Dumpy over the separation anxiety yet?

At 10:09 am, Blogger Richard said...

My understanding was that the issue came down to "us" (or the USA) maintaining military bases in places like Saudi Arabia, considered to be the holy land. Didn't Bin Laden state that in one of his videos a few years ago?

Things like Western influences on Islamic culture are secondary - again that's my understanding of it.


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