Friday, March 16, 2007

The Indecision Tango

You know that situation when you see a seat on the bus, you move towards it, and then you stop and take a step back because you realise that there's a weirdo in the next seat. Then you step forward again because you think it looked like you committed yourself, and not sitting there would look bad. I call it the indecision tango. I danced the indecision tango this morning on the bus. I eventually sat next to a woman wearing hot pants, cat ears, and painted whiskers. It's Comic Relief Red Nose day today apparently. I think the whole concept is getting a bit tired. I haven't seen many people getting into the spirit of it this year, apart from the cat of course.

I've hardly written here all week. It's down to a combination of intense tiredness, and being busy at work. I'm still busy at work, but I managed a full 7 hours of sleep last night, which is something of a novelty. The sun is shining outside and I would really like to be out flying kites or something. I understand snow is forecast for next week. I thought we were supposed to be in the grip of global warming. It's got no business snowing in March.

Last night as I was waiting for the bus with some colleagues, a nasty crunching noise caught everyone's attention and it appeared that someone had driven right into the metal fence between the railway line and our office carpark with some force. It was quite an achievement since the driver had to mount the kerb and continue several meters before hitting the fence. I hope no one was hurt, but I have to admit, it was amusing. The bus came and we all had to go. I think she was OK. I saw her reverse off the kerb, scraping the front spoiler as she went.

We're likely to know very shortly exactly when Tony Blair will finally stand down. It's widely expected that the lying scumbag will announce his schedule for departure after Scottish elections on 3rd May. I wouldn't put it past the corrupt bastard to wriggle out of it somehow though.

A new report from the government's waste body "Wrap" is releasing a report claiming that Britain throws away 3.3 million tonnes of food each year. I am mildly surprised by the fact that our government actually employs a "Waste Body" and I wonder what the hell its function is, but I understand the statement, "3.3 million tonnes of food thrown away each year". I tend to lose comprehension however as I read on and discover that, "half is inedible waste". Reading further we find that "inedible waste" means used tea bags and bones. I don't care that we throw away bones and tea bags actually. I mean, what else are we supposed to do with them? Apparently however, this all contributes to our carbon emissions.

Thanks to Mr Cat6 for the offer of subtitles. I think I'll try and find another copy of the video with the subtitles attached however. In fact, I might even buy a legit copy of the film. And I know there are about 100 other people out there that have noted me. You all deserve a reply and I will do it, soon, honestly.


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