Friday, April 13, 2007

Firday 13th

If you're British you will be well aware that brown envelopes bearing the message "HM Revenue and Customs, Private", rarely contain anything one really wants to read. In fact, if I find one of these envelopes lying on the doormat in the morning, I invariably avoid opening it until bedtime for fear of it ruining my day. This tactic doesn't work well. Opening such envelopes late at night generally results in a sleepless night followed by a ruined day. It's also worth noting that an unopened envelope can also ruin a day, simply through fear of the unknown.

The discovery of just such an envelope when I arrived home from work yesterday, therefore induced no small amount of fear in me. However, these things are not always as they seem. Well prepared for a sleepless night, and corresponding day of anxiety to follow, I opened the envelope to discover...

I've overpaid. The thieving rat-bastards owe me money. Quite a bit of money actually. Clearly Leo is ascendant in the fourth house or something, because I also splashed out £2 for a horse in the Grand National Sweepstake at work, and picked last year's winner. I'm thinking of buying a lottery ticket on the way home.

All this, and it's Friday 13th.

I just looked at the form guide. My horse seems to be at around 14:1, which is good for the Grand National. There appear to be about 40 runners this year. That's a cavalry charge.

In the news today Tony Blair seems to have made an embarrassing begging speech to the Scottish, asking them not to give him a "kicking" in the coming elections. I would personally of course like to see the corrupt scum bag soundly trounced in the coming election, and urge all Scots to do so. There are local elections coming next month in England also. I intend to put the boot in.

A vet in Taiwan has managed to have his arm bitten off by a crocodile. It's been reattached now. There's a great picture here. What amused me about this story was the part that explains how zoo staff fired at the crocodile, but the bullets bounced off him. He did drop the arm he was about to eat however.

A man from Cheshire has been charged after 540,000 pornographic images of children were found in his possession. To put that in perspective, if 1 image was displayed every second, it would take 6 days, and 6 hours to see all of them if you watched 24 hours a day. He's clearly just collecting images, and not looking at them. No one has that amount of time to spare do they? Come to think of it, no one has the time required to find and download these images do they? He must have spent his entire life at it.


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