Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I actually wrote an entry for yesterday, but couldn't get the embedded movie to work, which is why I posted it only just before this entry. I rather like the movie, but it probably means much more to me than it does to anyone else out there watching it. It should work now, but it's about 8MB, so it isn't exactly instant.

There seems to be a new move afoot to prevent doctors and nurses from dating former patients. I've never been able to understand this idea that doctors shouldn't date patients. Reading the BBC report, it seems that the move is an effort to kerb sexual abuse of patients. But how can a ban on relationships help? One doesn't have to be in a relationship to sexually abuse someone. And why is it just medical staff? Why are bus drivers allowed to ask their passengers out for a drink, but doctors can't ask a patient? I once got a coffee date from a wrong number at work. I dialed someone in another department by mistake. Is that wrong? It's not so much the fact that the whole concept is beyond ridiculous that gets me worked up. It's the fact that some unqualified, petty-minded dick-head from a personel department is actually in a position to control staff in this way.

Yesterday a woman from UK lost her legal fight to have her frozen embryos implanted. The woman in question had fertilized embryos frozen before having cancer treatment. The problem arose when she split from the father of the embryos and he withdrew his permission to use them. I feel sorry for the woman, but I think I'd feel more sorry for the man if the decision had gone the other way. In reality, she could not possibly have won. It seems to me that the law is very clear. It's an odd case though. If she had been allowed to have the babies, then the father is put in a very difficult position. He clearly didn't want to have children with the woman. He'd have some very serious thining to do if the children came anyway. It would be unfair on the child to be an absent father. But if he tried to be a good father, everyone would know that his heart wasn't really in it.


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