Wednesday, April 04, 2007


You know, I love being a father. That's not sarcasm or even exaggeration, I really do. But there are times when one really misses that hassle free life that becomes only a faint speck in the rear view mirror when offspring arrive. We were all fixed to go and spend a day with friends next weekend. Alas, it all fell to pieces when one of our party, also a father, announced that he had to call it all off for family reasons. Instead, he suggested, we should all meet for dinner at Sweeny Todd's pie shop in Reading on Friday evening. All my bachelor friends signed up for it right away of course.

Then there was me. I have to get from work in Oxford, to home in Swindon, to pie shop in Reading. That's a two hour ordeal. Then at some point during the evening I have to deal with Dumpy's dinner, bath, and bed time. Bed time is usually 8pm. I haven't quite given up on this idea yet, but it doesn't look likely. And it was something I really did want to do. I haven't seen the boys in ages.

There isn't much in the news today that I find very interesting. The big story is the release of 15 British military men and women captured by Iran. I'm glad they were released and I think it was hilarious that Iran accused them of being in Iranian waters, then gave their position as in Iraqi waters, then changed their mind about the position and released new coordinates in Iranian waters. But I can't say I find the story interesting as such, but it is clearly important.

At the other end of the scale, I found a story that was not important, but was much more interesting. An Italian film which features a marketing executive meeting a man who appears to be Jesus, has had its release date postponed because the Jesus character is seen drinking a can of Coke, and the Coca-cola company don't think it "appropriate". There's an irony here isn't there. I never drink any coke or other canned drinks, and I have no time at all for religion, and here I am reporting on both, after the drinks company complained about the advertising of their product. That's really effective advertising on both the part of the film and the drinks company, and the film is about a marketing executive. Coincidence - well it could be.


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