Monday, April 02, 2007

OK, this week it restarts

All last week I tried and failed to write anything for these pages. Tihs is due to workload in the office and workload of being a father. We do have Easter weekend coming up howevre and that means I should get a few things done.

I did actually write something at work today but, fool that I am, I managed to leave it there, and now I am at home.

The weekend was fairly ordianry. We went up to Devon, or is that down to Devon. It was the first long car journey with Dumpy's new seat. It was fine. He seems to have gallons of snot currently. I got fed up with the length of his hair and the fact that everyone thought he was a girl, so I cut it. It turns out I wasn't meant to bea barber. The hair is shorter, but not exactly stylish now. He doesn't care of course, which is the main thing.

I managed ot leave my cash card at the petrol station on Saturday after using it for petrol. I called them a couple of hours later and they told me they had it. But I couldn't pick it up again until today. I hate when I do that. I do it often.

Tomorrow I will make an effort to write a proper entry, and for the rest of the week. I really don't like to neglect this place.


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