Monday, May 14, 2007


It would appear to be a day of strange stories. I think my favourite is the news item that explains how a young woman managed to get her car wrecked by a train after her sat nav system directed her onto a railway track. Reading the story, she either did something incredibly stupid, or the signal failed.

One of Britain's most violent and infamous prisoners, Charles Bronson, is awarded £200 after his glasses are broken in a "control and restraint incident". This guy has spent the last 33 years in jail and is not eligible for parole until 2010. During his time in jail he has staged roof top protests and taken prison staff hostage several times. In one hostage incident he demanded a helicopter, an inflatable doll, and a cup of tea it seems - barking. He's been in all three secure mental facilities in Britain, and some 28 conventional prisons. He also married a Bangladeshi woman a few years ago after meeting her a handful of times, and he's written several quite successful books, including "Living Legends", which won the literary Koestler award. The stuff you learn on this page.

A 26-year-old man has tried to sell one of his own kidneys for £24,000 and has narrowly escaped jail. I can't understand this. If this clown wants to sell his kidney, and someone is willing to pay him for it, what's the damn problem? Apparently the sale of human organs is illegal in UK and can result in a jail sentence.

A Gloucestershire MP wants First Great Western Trains to lose their contract. I never thought I'd see the day when I was siding with a Labour MP, but I have to say, I couldn't agree more. FGW are the worst train operator in the history of public transport, and they should not only lose their contract, the board of directors should be flogged publicly in the town square. I'll even perform the flogging myself if required. I disagree with David Drew, MP for Stroud, on what should replace FGW. He seems to think the government would be a good idea. I personally think that is the only answer that could possibly be any worse than the current situation. Incidentally, check out that picture. What is up with that guy's teeth? Was his mother a horse or something?


Well it's Monday again and I'm back in the office. The above was written Friday and never posted.

This weekend I bought a new flash disk. The old one still seems to work perfectly well, but having been through the washing machine, I feel it's likely to give up without warning. I hadn't realised how cheap they are now. My new model is a 2GB example and only cost £20. I think I paid more than that for the last one 4 years ago, and that was only 256MB. The last one was shaped like a cat, which was fun. The new one is less childish, more functional.

Also this weekend we took Dumpy swimming for the first time. He wasn't really sure he liked it. There were trillions of people and lots of noise. I think the dragon might take home to the children's session today. It will be quiet. I think he got cold. He did a bit of floating though and I think he had fun in the end.

After a really beautiful sunny April, May has so far been a big disappointment. It's been peeing down almost non stop for at least a week and it's been cold. The global warming prophets of doom were quick to point out that it was an unusually warm April. I assume they will now be equally ready to recognise the balancing effect of a cool May - fat chance.


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