Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Cess Pit

I have come to the conclusion that I live in a cess pit. Swindon was never cultured like Bath or Oxford, but it used to be relatively friendly, and safe. I've always considered an element of the indigenous population to be basically pig-ignorant, but the element of pig-ignorance felt like a sub-culture above which I could easily rise. This is no longer the case it seems. Disgusting, foul smelling groups of hooded teenaged boys now seem to prevail, smoking dope openly in the busy shopping areas, and conversing loudly in some language that seems to consist of only expletives and grunts.

I could smell someone smoking pot as I walked home from the train station yesterday. I traced the source of the odour to a grubby looking, hooded youth. He was making no effort to hide his activity. He was doing that strut that the ubiquitous hooded youth do, the joint dangling from between his lips. I looked away of course. Eye contact can start a riot in Swindon. Somewhere behind me a second hooded youth shouted at him, "zat you smokin a ****ing banger?" The language is heavily influenced by traditional Wiltshire twang, but there is more to it than that. The second youth appeared equally unbothered about broadcasting the event. I have never heard the term "****ing banger" before. Apparently it is grubby-speak for pot anyway.

I'm not sure what I expected the grubby smoking the ****ing banger to do upon making contact with the second grubby, but he grunted in an affirmative kind of way and passed him the ****ing banger. I find the fact that they are swapping saliva rather more shudder-provoking than the fact that they are smoking illegal substances in public.

Teenaged boys are predisposed to be foul I think. I expect I was too. One would think that evolution would favour those youths who strive to become urbane adults however. I strived, with varying degrees of success. Surely it would be the strivers that would be more likely to attract the prime females. Am I over simplifying here? I can't imagine any woman being attracted to a filthy, dope smoking, 18-year-old boy, unable to string more than three words together in any coherent manner. Surely these people should die out.


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