Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Phase 1 confidence crisis

I've been neglecting my diary pages lately. I'm sad about this because they have been an important part of my life for some years now. When one becomes a father a strange warping of time occurs and, despite the fact that there are still 24 hours in each day, every one of those hours somehow becomes fragmented and shortened. It is easy to fall into the trap of seizing every spare moment for sleep, or e-mail, or those other things that need to be done, but constantly get pushed towards the bottom of the To Do list. However, I am intending to increase the diary page priority value, probably at the expense of eating, or sleeping, or something.

This weekend I started kitchen upgrade phase 1. It was not as easy as I thought, or hoped it would be. I dismantled the wall cabinets with relatively little drama, but the wall behind them was so bad that it proved impossible to mount brackets on it. We spent most of yesterday cementing bricks back into place and filling holes. I had to leave the kitchen in a half finished state until next weekend when work can continue. I'm intending to secure a long wooden baton along the wall and hang the new cabinets from that. It should work. If it doesn't I'll admit defeat and call a man in.

I'm now slightly worried about phase 2. I shouldn't have the same problem with Units on the floor, but Who knows what could go wrong now. I'm having a confidence crisis.

I wrote the above yesterday and then saved it on the hard disk at work instead of my memory stick - doh! So, I'm still intending to start updating my pages regularly again, but today you get two entries in one.

A news story that caught my eye yesterday was about a woman who has been convicted of bigamy after failing to declare her marriage when she entered into a civil partnership with her lesbian lover. It gets more complicated because she now appears to have left her lesbian partner and returned to her husband. A clear case of reaping what was sown. She was given community service and a suspended prison sentence. She apparently has five children already and is currently pregnant again.

I was absolutely incensed by a story this morning about children's charities campaigning to ban advertising of formula milk. Currently no advertising is allowed that promotes formula milk for children under 6 months, but the charities want to extend this to include follow on milk products. I have a message for these idiot people. If you did your homework you would know that it isn't always possible to breast feed. Making new parents feel like failures because they don't (can't) breast feed will not have the desired effect. Indeed children suffer as a result. I speak from experience.

There is foot and mouth disease over the south of England, Pete Doherty is facing gaol for drugs offences, and Kate Middleton is no longer going to row across the channel in a dragon boat due to security fears.

More tomorrow, promise.


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