Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week at a glance

19 July

OK, time for a quick entry. Tomorrow night Waterstones bookshop opens at 10.30 for a Harry Potter party. It stays open until 2 am and the book itself will be available from midnight of course. I still haven't quite made my mind up about whether or not to go. I have been granted an evening pass by the Dragon. I do quite want to take Dumpy with me. I was thinking of painting him green and sticking cardboard ears on him - voila, Dobby the Hose Elf. He's not even old enough to call childline about it. It would mean waking the little soldier up though, but it's not a school night.

It emerged today that the Home Secretary is an ex pot head. Apparently this came to light as the government made public its intention to reclassify pot as a class B drug instead of a Class C drug. This is about the fourth change of classification is 4 years or something. I don't personally care what it's classed as. I just want the chavy scum bags smoking the crap on the streets of Swindon to piss off and wreck their brains somewhere I can't see them.

It's quite interesting to examine the reasoning behind the latest government change of direction on pot. When it was moved from class B to Class C, it was apparently because it wasn't as harmful as other Class B substances like amphetamines, and public perception was such that it shouldn't be so strictly controled. The cynical amongst us saw it as attempting to win over the pot head vote. The latest move to reclass it as a Class B sustance is apparently because new "skunk" varieties are more harmful than the standard stuff. The more cynical amongst us are wondering if the skunk varieties only suddenly appeared in the last 2 years, and whether the fact that the chavy scum bags on the street which can't be arrested for Class C posession, may be more of a problem than originally envisaged.

20 July

So, tonight is the night. I'm still in two minds as to whether I should go and get my Deathly Hallows at midnight, or wait until tomorrow morning. It's absolutely peeing down with rain. This may affect my decision. I could go tonight, take a few pictures and post this tomorrow with images. Well, by the time you actually read this, you'll know what I decided anyway.

The big news today is that there are to be no charges in the cash for honours case. This I find astounding. The news isn't officially confirmed yet, but it's all but over. How can there be a 16 month investigation, with 4 arrests, thousands of pages of evidence, and no charges? I believe the evidence is to be made public, which makes me wonder if there will be fallout anyway.

OK, it's now 15.11, and I've just heard that all the trains have been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. So, god knows how I'm going to make it home tonight. Looks like it could be a £50 taxi ride. More news as we get it.

OK, now 15.50 and the office has booked me a taxi. Sadly it won't come until 17.30, but hey, it's a means by which I may get home. I may still make it to get Harry Potter tonight. We shall see. The rain has in fact died off a little. The car park is flooded and apparently water is entering the building, though I haven't seen any. I'm going to take some work home with me in case it's not safe to come in on Monday. I'm working at home on Tuesday anyway. Oh, and the taxi was apparently £61, but I don't have to pay. Oh I love my office so much.

22 July

I got Harry Potter, about 10 chapters in. It took me 4 hours to get home on Friday. 4 hours! There were floods, abandoned cars and emergency vehicles everywhere. I'll write a proper entry tomorrow.


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