Tuesday, August 21, 2007


It's my leather wedding anniversary today. That's three years. In honour of the occasion, the dragon bought me a leather briefcase.

I was going to buy the dragon a watch, I know it has nothing to do with leather, but she wanted one. Unfortunately, the one she had her eye on is no longer available, so we may have to wait for the right one to come along.

This weekend we were due to go to Devon and see the oldies. Sadly Dumpy managed to get a cold and we decided to give it a miss until next weekend Actually next weekend is a bonk holiday, so it may not be the best idea to go then either, but we shall see. Anyway, we didn't waste the weekend. Phase one of the kitchen renovation project continued and all the wall cabinets are now in place. I haven't put the cooker hood in yet.

Pete Doherty has been arrested again for possession. I guess that means the clown has almost no hope of staying out of prison since the judge gave him an ultimatum at his last appearance which was basically, stay clean or get put away. I can't decide whether to feel sorry for him or just write him off as an idiot.

A bunch of extras have fallen from a truck during filming for the new Tom Cruise film in Germany. I wouldn't usually be the slightest bit interested in anything to do with Tom Cruise, but a phrase in this particular report caught my eye, "no findings to suggest anyone famous was involved". So that's OK then. There were casualties, but they# were just expendable extras.

The above was written yesterday but never posted. I didn't get around to writing anything very interesting today. I did see in the news that a Russian bomber was intercepted heading for Britain. Apparently it was not a security threat. Now this interests me. How do we know that it was not a security threat? It might have been carrying a 1000 mega tonne nuclear warhead couldn't it? Anyway, it seems it turned back before it got here.

Pete Doherty appeared in court today but escaped on a technicality. He wasn't presented to court within 24 ours of arrest and therefore walked free. It seems he is still on bail though, awaiting sentencing for previous convictions. The judge has threatened jail unless he cleans himself up. I can't feel sorry for the guy any more. He's a waste of space.

Oh, and I must just mention that I managed to find a train that was cancelled last week that I could have travelled on. So I'm going to try and claim compensation for that damn ticket that First Great Western wouldn't refund. I'll let you know how that goes.


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