Tuesday, September 11, 2007


We spent the weekend in Devon. As usual Dumpy had a great time racing round the house and garden. It's much bigger and more exciting than our own home. I relieved father of his circular saw and clamps to aid me in phase II of the kitchen project. We also BBQed stuff on Saturday evening and indulged in roast lamb yesterday. We managed to leave Dumpy's powdered milk behind, but we are winding down his formula bottle now anyway. He only has one at breakfast. The rest of the time he has a follow on milk with a straw.

Brother Nick also showed up. Haven't seen him for a while. He seems to have a company van now. He's happy and healthy looking.

I have a friend in London. I used to work with her years ago. In my young and carefree days we used to play stupid truth and dare games which ended when I broke the photocopier in the office whilst trying to copy my arse. But that's a story for another day. We still e-mail each other, though I haven't seen her for many years, and the other day she told me about a friend of hers from Ghana. This friend of hers is an illegal immigrant. I don't know how he became illegal, but he did, and this week he decided that he'd had enough and wanted to return to his home country. He handed himself in. He told the authorities that he was there illegally, had no job, money, or place to live. The authorities told him to go away and gave him the name of a charity, who were closed.

It's astounding isn't it, that the government on one hand tells us that they are tackling the illegal immigration problem, and then we find out that they have no mechanism to deal with illegal immigrants when they turn up.

Wasn't Brittany awful at the MTV awards? Was she drunk?

How can the Portuguese police possibly think they have any case to suggest that the McCanns killed their daughter when the only evidence appears to be blood from the child in a car that was hired 25 days after they reported her missing? Where did they hide her for four weeks?

And the EU has given up trying to make the UK drop imperial weights and measures. I'm delighted that the EU have realised that it's none of their damn business. I'm slightly annoyed that the UK is not intending to drop imperial measures anyway. It does seem that now the EU have removed their oversized nose from the case, that people have suddenly realised that actually metric measures are the best option.

More tomorrow.


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