Thursday, October 04, 2007


So here we are, edging towards the end of another week and I haven't written anything. That's not quite accurate; I have written some bits and pieces, but nothing has been posted. I hate not writing here. It's become important to me.

This week has been a little stressful. Dumpy has been sick, and yesterday I decided to work from home to help look after him. I need not have bothered really. He's much better now. In fact we are planning a Devon trip this weekend, and we all have to be fit for that. It's Granddad's birthday and we don't want to give him anything nasty.

Thanks to Mr Cat6 for the link to the stone heads mystery. I was hoping that the mystery would be more mysterious than it actually turned out to be, It seems that the stone heads which appeared for no apparent reason in various villages in the north of England, were simply deposited by an artist trying to generate some interest in his work. And of course it has worked.

Here's a story in the news today that shocked me; Robert Zipfel has been jailed for life after abducting and raping a nine year old girl. Zipfel is a drug user and has 25 previous convictions including offences of burglary, assault and robbery. He had been out of prison only two months when the offences took place. He dragged the child from her garden where she was playing on her bicycle and took her to a graveyard to commit the sexual offences. The judge called him, "a very dangerous man", and went on to describe his actions as, "horrific". The prosecution alleged that the victim had been, "significantly traumatised", and went on to suggest that she now has trouble eating, sleeping, and has difficulty at school. Zipfel, who admitted rape, sexual assault, and abduction, was given two life sentences for rape and sexual assault, and four years for abduction.

So, two life sentences and a four year sentence, to run concurrently - I'm thinking this piece of pond scum is going to be inside for 20 years. That's not to say I wouldn't put him inside for 80 if it was up to me, I'm just thinking that realistically, it's likely to be 20. I mean, he has 25 previous convictions. He's a habitual criminal with a history of violence, and he offended within two months of his release. He's going away for a long time, right? Nope, the judge recommends that he remains in custody for not less than six years. She'll be 15 or 16 when he gets out, assuming he behaves himself while he's inside. She'll still be at school. And Zipfel will be 36. Younger than I am now.

So what else has happened? Brittany has lost custody of her children. I'm trying to feel sorry for her, but she really doesn't appear to care very much. Today's opinion polls put the Labour and Conservative parties pretty much neck and neck. Gordon is under pressure to calla snap election. Lewis Hamilton is facing an inquiry after his win in Japan - sounds like sour grapes to me. Postal workers are on strike for two days, and the Diana inquest jury has been shown cctv footage not previously released showing the Princess just moments before the car crashed. How come that's never been shown until now?


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