Tuesday, October 09, 2007


It's piddling down with rain today. Last time I sat in this office watching it rain like this, I ended up taking a 4 hour taxi ride home. I've checked the First Great Western live update site though, and the trains do appear to be running today. Incidentally, I've made a decision about my ongoing claim for compensation with them. In case you haven't been following this story, FGW's Passenger Charter claims they will compensate for unused portions of season tickets. However, when they issued me with a season ticket that started a day earlier than I wanted, they wouldn't refund the day I couldn't use, despite the fact that I could prove I had another ticket for that day. This is not a big issue, about £10, but I felt cheated.

In an effort to recover my £10 I instead claimed for compensation for being delayed. I found a train that was cancelled, claimed that I had wanted to catch it but couldn't, and I figured that they would have to compensate me for that like it says they will in their damn leaflets. But no, they came up with some excuse not to pay out that was so weird I didn't even understand it. The long and the short, I've given up trying to claim compensation. But the battle is not over. In an effort to demonstrate the value of good customer service. I'm going to send a letter to the customer service department. I haven't decided quite what the letter will say yet, but it is a free post address, which means they have to pay postage, and I'm planning to send it 100 times. That will cost them more than twice as much as the compensation claim.

I seem to have put my shoulder out somehow. It's been agony for about a week and it doesn't seem to be going away. The funny thing is, I don't really know how I did it. I haven't done anything strenuous in, oh I don't know, 20 years. I don't think I just slept awkwardly because it would have gone by now if it was that simple.

It's Daddy's birthday tomorrow. We went down to Devon to see them at the weekend. We took most of the presents, but one I forgot. I'll put it in the mail when the mail strike is over. The mail strike is annoying me. How am I supposed to send all the letters to FGW if there is no postal service? And what the hell are they bitching about anyway?

I just discovered we have a leaking radiator. I don't know if I should be grateful that it happened now, before there is a thick covering of snow, or depressed just because it happened.


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