This is the picture being used by the BBC for all their David Abrahams connected stories.

In case you've been on Mars for the last week, Abrahams (right) is the guy that has been donating to Labour funds illegally under false names. The guy standing next to him is Peter Watts, who was forced to resign this week because it emerged that he (Watts) knew Abrahams was making donations in false names, though he didn't realise it was illegal, yeah right.
Now here's the thing; over and above the fact that Watts looks drunk and Abrahmas looks like he belongs in Southpark (where the hell is his neck?), both are clearly wearing elastic bow ties. I say "elastic", but they could in fact be the clip-on variety, the important point being that neither man appears to be able to tie his own. How much time and heartache could have been saved simply by publishing this picture a few months ago? I could have recognised them for the scoundrels they so obviously are just by their clear lack of bow tie ability. I mean honestly, look at Watts. What's that jaunty 45° angle all about?
The British woman in Sudan convicted of the heinous crime of naming a teddy bear Muhammad has been jailed for 15 days. The British government is attempting to get her released (though they seem more preoccupied with domestic damage control right now) but protests are now taking place calling for the death penalty. Grow up people. It's a stuffed bear.
There are other things I sort of want to mention, but it's late, I'm tired. I think it can wait for another day.
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