Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I hate winter

It was sun shining when I arrived at the office this morning. It is still trying to be nice. I'm so fed up with winter. I hope summer this year will be nice. Last year was most disappointing. This year I fully intend to take my family somewhere in the summer. I don't know where, but somewhere, and I want it to be sunny.

I was fairly sure that the Princess of Wales was nothing more than a tragic accident. I'm still fairly sure in fact. But you have to admit, there are a few odd things emerging from this inquest. The driver, Henri Paul, appeared to have a very high level of carbon monoxide in his blood after the crash. I thought it had been explained by the fact that he was a heavy cigar smoker. It seems however that an expert witness has said this is not so. He suggested that the reading was either a cock-up or a conspiracy.

My Limewire has stopped working. I don't like it, I don't trust it, and I hardly ever use it, but I do want a peer to peer service. I don't know why, it isn't working. I've reinstalled and I've read that there is an issue with new Java updates. It's not the firewall, I took that out and it still doesn't work. I'm betting I've updated Java since I last used Limnewire. Anyway, the thing to do apparently is switch to Frostwire. So I'll be having a go at that tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.

The Metro, the Sun, and several other newspapers are reporting today on a NASA picture apparently showing a human-like figure walking across the surface of Mars. I can't decide whether they are having a laugh or not actually. I mean, it's a pile of rocks. Seriously, it's just a rock, take a look at the Daily Mail version.

Amy Winehouse appears to be back on crack, which is heart breaking, but to be honest, I'm losing sympathy.

School children between the ages of 11 and 14 will be required to take cooking lessons at school. I can't honestly say I find this a bad idea, except that it will be at the expense of other lessons. Lets just hope it's not core subjects. I bet they call it a science and make it part of the science curriculum or something mad like that. I did cooking at school. I think I stopped when I was 12 though. It didn't encourage me to cook at home. I do cook sometimes though. I'm the only bloke I know that can make a white sauce from scratch. Actually that's not true, I think friend Dave can do it. I wonder if Pete can. I must call him actually. I'll ask him.

I'm still all alone in the house with my family on the other side of the world. I do miss them, but I talk to them every day.


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