Monday, January 21, 2008

Beer and farting

The house seems big and empty without Dumpy and the Dragon. I drove them to the airport on Saturday. Dumpy was apparently super good on the flight. He's not old enough to have his own seat, but I think the crew managed to provide an extra seat for him and he slept all the way to Hong Kong. I had a quick video conference with them this morning before I felt for work. I didn't see the boy because he was asleep. I have a letter from the Dragon to open every day until I see her. Damn, wish I'd thought of that.

Anyway, these two weeks will see me learning how to live like a bachelor again. It seems very unnatural now. Beer and baked beans on the sofa, farting, and watching programmes about monster trucks is what I have planned for tonight.

Today will see the most important parliamentary debate on Europe since the signing of the Maastricht treaty in 1992. The debate will centre on the EU constitution which was scrapped and replaced with a "treaty", and more to the point, the fact that the government promised us a referendum, and then refused to give us one when they realised we'd vot against it. What's more, it looks very much like at least 30 government ministers are going to vote against the government. The Tories will also vote against the government, and the Lib Dems will sit on the fence abstaining as usual. The government have a big enough majority for this not to matter very much, though it will of course be embarrassing. But the really embarrassing thing is the fact that the PM isn't going to be there. Gordon organised this today so that he wouldn't have to face the wrath of the Euro-sceptics in the house. Yes ladies and gentlemen, our PM is a coward.


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