Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The time for wallowing is now officially over

It's time to stop wallowing in self pity and get on with the business of whatever the hell it is I do. I got an e-mail out of the blue this week inviting me to apply for a technical author role in Oxfordshire. I don't think the money is likely to be significantly better, but I'm thinking I might drop them a CV anyway. I have everything they are looking for and it could be a door of opportunity opening for me. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that.

Chinese New Year is almost upon us ladies and gentlemen. This is not usually something that I find a need to celebrate, but I'm going to be back in Taiwan this time, and we will probably see some fireworks, eat some traditional food, watch the dragons dancing etc. Dumpy and the dragon will go out there at the weekend, and I'll follow in February. I'll be without my family for two weeks. I haven't had to do that since I got married. Just another drawback of intercontinental relationships.

I'm going to mention politics. I know no one reads these bits, but I'm interested, and it's my show. Peter Haine has dropped a bollock over Labour Party donations. He's the work and pensions secretary. He's essentially accepted donations of £100,000 to his campaign fund without declaring them. This is serious, but the PM initially stood by him. However, this row has refused to die down and now the PM has not only taken a step back, he's called Mr Haine "incompetent". I don't like the guy, but part of me wants him to stay, because no one likes the guy, and as long as he is there, he's driving more nails into the coffin that is the Labour Party. Labour are now desperately trying to fling mud at the Tories by suggesting that they are not declaring "gifts", whatever that means.

I got an email this week about a tech author job in Oxfordshire. I wasn't really looking for a new job, but I have to admit, my current position isn't really stimulating me. I don't feel challenged. So I dropped them a CV. Nothing ventured I say. More news on that as we get it.


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