Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I got the blues

I am ecstatic this morning over news that a leaked home office document has fallen into the hands of the Tories and suggests very strongly that the ID card scheme is essentially in chaos and has been delayed until 2012. It's not the absolutely greatest news because it would seem that the purveyors of all that is evil still intend to roll-out biometric ID cards to foreign nationals this year. That of course means my wife. I had hoped to get her naturalised before the deadline, but that is not likely now since the earliest she can apply for citizenship is Dec 2008. I myself am still considering civil disobediance.

There is a wonderful leader by Simon Heffer in the Telegraph this morning. It's essentially an anti-Europe rant, but so beautifully crafted. I aspire to be able to write like this.

A web site has been created to make it easy to find out where each local MP stands on the issue of a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon. It also makes it very easy to contact one's own MP and make one's feelings felt. I've actually written three times to my local MP in as many months, but I think she is due one more communication from me since she is apparently against a referendum and is therefore morally bankrupt. Everyone in Britain should be doing this.

I uninstalled Limewire last night and replaced it with Frostwire,, which appears to work very well. So, problem solved.

There is a lot of weird stuff in the news today.

Apparently an award winning book based on the classic three little pigs story has been excluded from partaking in a government agency annual awards scheme because, wait for it, it might offend muslims. No seriously, I'm not making this up, the three little pigs is now offensive to muslims. I'm not even going to comment. Oh fuck it; yes I am, anyone offended by the three little pigs should be kicked in the arse until their ears bleed, honestly I'll do it if you like. I'm going to see if I can find a copy for Dumpy.

But, stranger still was this story about a couple of weirdos from Yorkshire who got thrown off a bus because one of them was wearing a dog leash, and the other was leading her along by it. It is bizarre behaviour of course, and I suppose people who behave is a bizarre manner should probably expect negative reactions. But why were they thrown off the bus? The official line from the bus company is that the leash would be dangerous if the bus braked sharply. Of course it would, I've seen hundreds of people garotted by their own necklaces and neck ties on those buses, lethal they are, lethal!

An then finally there is this story from Australia. In sort, man gets his arm stuck in a crocodile's mouth. Incidentally, what kind of head case goes within arm's reach of a bloody crocodile? To do so is foolhardy in the extreme. Anyway, his mate sees him attempting to extract arm from mouth of said reptile, and in an effort to assist, shoots twice at the beast. The first shot is good, the second hits his mate in the arm. Some friend eh? The good news is that, although the guy has been savaged by a crocodile and then shot by his mate, he survives almost intact and is recovering in hospital. There is no report on the health of the crocodile.

I'm feeling very upbeat today about stuff in the news, and even the 10am discovery that I had put my underwear on back to front did nothing to disperse the feeling. I simply switched them round and went about my business as normal. I felt so up beat in fact, that I started writing a blues number. I've only got two verses so far, but I think it has potential.

My woman has left me, she's miles away
My boy has gone with her, don't know what to say
The dishes are dirty, my clothes are too
I've got those no pants, no shirt, cold ass laundry blues

I wake up at night, and there's nobody there
There's nothing for breakfast, and the milk has grown hair
I'm late for work, don't know what to do
I've got those empty belly, no milk, cold ass laundry blues


At 12:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously the pig story is wrong. I mean.. Really.. It would offend kosher Jews as well... Jeez.. Check your facts people!! Make sure all reasonable sides are represented!!


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