Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yet another unfinished

My damn teeth hurt. I visited the dentist yesterday and he "cleaned and scaled" me. No cavities needed filling, but somehow the scaling procedure has left me in agony. It wasn't fun at all. I don't have to go back for more treatment, but the dragon has to return on Monday for a filling. That means I will have to work at home again on Monday. I don't really like working at home. I get guilt problems.

I see Gordon Brown has cut income tax by 2%. That sounds good of course and I'm sure he's hoping it will persuade people to vote for him come the next general election. I suspect that most people will however see him for the thieving bastard that he is, since he's crippled everyone with Council Tax rises over the last decade. Oh, and he's cut the 10% starting rate so everyone pays 20% on everything now, so it won't make any difference anyway. He's also intending to increase public spending to around £674 billion. No government should ever be that rich.

It's Dumpy's first birthday today and we have even baked a cake. More accurately, the dragon baked a cake and I watched. It's an awesome cake however. We've also bought him a nice wooden truck for his bricks. I'll have to put it together this evening. And Auntie Eugenie is coming to see him. He got quite a few cards this morning in the mail too. That's good because I don't have very much family.

Monday, March 19, 2007


We spent loads of money this weekend. Finally got around to getting a new printer. Our Epson Photostylus 830 has been a complete disaster since we bought it. I decided quite some time ago that I never wanted another Epson as long as I lived, and I settled on a Canon in the end. The resolution is better, it's quieter, I can connect the cameras directly, there are individual ink cartridges, and best of all, it actually works without 20 minutes work unblocking nozzles, poking the paper through the feeder with a pencil etc. I've only printed 2 photos and one document so far, but preliminary results are promising.

Also this weekend we bought a new safety gate to stop Dumpy escaping into the kitchen. He now stands in the doorway gripping the bars like a mad prisoner.

I can't believe it's snowing. It really has no business snowing at this time of year

Friday, March 16, 2007

The Indecision Tango

You know that situation when you see a seat on the bus, you move towards it, and then you stop and take a step back because you realise that there's a weirdo in the next seat. Then you step forward again because you think it looked like you committed yourself, and not sitting there would look bad. I call it the indecision tango. I danced the indecision tango this morning on the bus. I eventually sat next to a woman wearing hot pants, cat ears, and painted whiskers. It's Comic Relief Red Nose day today apparently. I think the whole concept is getting a bit tired. I haven't seen many people getting into the spirit of it this year, apart from the cat of course.

I've hardly written here all week. It's down to a combination of intense tiredness, and being busy at work. I'm still busy at work, but I managed a full 7 hours of sleep last night, which is something of a novelty. The sun is shining outside and I would really like to be out flying kites or something. I understand snow is forecast for next week. I thought we were supposed to be in the grip of global warming. It's got no business snowing in March.

Last night as I was waiting for the bus with some colleagues, a nasty crunching noise caught everyone's attention and it appeared that someone had driven right into the metal fence between the railway line and our office carpark with some force. It was quite an achievement since the driver had to mount the kerb and continue several meters before hitting the fence. I hope no one was hurt, but I have to admit, it was amusing. The bus came and we all had to go. I think she was OK. I saw her reverse off the kerb, scraping the front spoiler as she went.

We're likely to know very shortly exactly when Tony Blair will finally stand down. It's widely expected that the lying scumbag will announce his schedule for departure after Scottish elections on 3rd May. I wouldn't put it past the corrupt bastard to wriggle out of it somehow though.

A new report from the government's waste body "Wrap" is releasing a report claiming that Britain throws away 3.3 million tonnes of food each year. I am mildly surprised by the fact that our government actually employs a "Waste Body" and I wonder what the hell its function is, but I understand the statement, "3.3 million tonnes of food thrown away each year". I tend to lose comprehension however as I read on and discover that, "half is inedible waste". Reading further we find that "inedible waste" means used tea bags and bones. I don't care that we throw away bones and tea bags actually. I mean, what else are we supposed to do with them? Apparently however, this all contributes to our carbon emissions.

Thanks to Mr Cat6 for the offer of subtitles. I think I'll try and find another copy of the video with the subtitles attached however. In fact, I might even buy a legit copy of the film. And I know there are about 100 other people out there that have noted me. You all deserve a reply and I will do it, soon, honestly.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


We spent the weekend in Devon. The weather has been very lovely. My parents were very pleased to see their grandson. A weekend is never really long enough. It seems we have to leave almost as soon as we arrive. Easter is approaching however and we can have 4 days at some point. Dumpy's first birthday is also just around the corner. Maybe we can combine the two things.

A couple have people asked me for the address of the dragon's Chinese blog: Click here!

I had a discussion with my father about terrorism this weekend. I've come to the conclusion that the current terrorist threat from the muslim world is most frightening because I don't understand what the terrorist demands are. I grew up with IRA terrorism around me. It was frightening, but I understood it. The terrorists wanted a separate republican state, not ruled by Britain. I didn't approve of their motives, neither did I think they would be effective, but I understood. I still don't know why the terrorists blew up the WTC, or the London underground. What do they want me to do?

It emerged last week that Terry Wogan, someone whom I have never really liked very much, has been paid a fee for presenting the Children in Need Charity show each year. I don't really approve of these large TV charity events. I've always found it rather nauseating to watch the world's hyper-rich trying to make less wealthy people feel guilty for not giving to charity. It strikes me that when Children in Need makes £15 million in a single evening, the entire sum could have been donated by the host, whilst still leaving him richer than probably everyone who did actually donate. I sound like a socialist. I'm not a socialist, I just recognise people trying to ease their consciences when I see it.

The documentary on Ponce Charles was most illuminating last night. According to the Channel 4 dispatches team, Charles has been lobbying MPs since he was invested as the Ponce of Wales in 1969. They managed to get comments from academics, politicians, law lords, and even some old hunting friends. Ultimately his suitability to take the throne was called into question. One can't really blame the guy for having opinions of course, even if they are wrong. The problem is, stating these opinions publicly is an abuse of his position.

Alleged dodgy business practices of the Duchy of Cornwall estate were also covered. As far as I can tell, the estate is exempt from capital gains tax and corporation tax. It also seems that the tax office aren't in a position to audit the business. This of course gives it an incredible advantage over the competition. The Prince's office has defended itself fairly aggressively, though not very effectively I would say. They don't seem to cover the issue of dodgy business practices at all.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Dumpy has been a real pain in the arse recently. I think when we were away he got used to never being left alone. He slept in the same room as us, and came everywhere with us. Now he seems to bawl whenever he is left alone, even for an instant. We don't leave him alone for hours you understand, but he does have his own room, and sometimes it is necessary to leave him somewhere safe while one goes off to have a wee or some such. I feel guilty when I go off to work. It must be agony for single parents.

This weekend we take the little chap to see his British Grandparents. They haven't seen him for about a month. He's more mobile now. His crawling has developed and he's standing up on his own more. The Dragon says that girl babies develop speech and walking skills faster than boys. I don't know if that is true. He still hasn't said anything intelligable, and although he stands, he can't really do so without leaning on something and he doesn't really take steps at all. I wish he could talk. I suppose we will have to wait.

John Inman died this morning, he was 71. He had hepatitis A.

The above was written yetserday and never posted. I woke up this morning at 5.30, thinking it was 6.30. I went back to bed again, but didn't really sleep. I've managed to download a copy of the film Babel. Sadly it doesn't have subtitles. That's akward since the film is in 4 languages, 5 if you count sign language. I think I may have to buy the dvd. I rarely buy dvds because they are region specific. andI object to the entertainment industry attempting to hold me to randsome. I may make an exception in the case of Babel.

It's 10.30 pm. I've written almost nothing. I still have to make a CD of photos for my parents tomorrow, so I will leave it here. I'll write something cool next week.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

All a question of time

Feeling better today. I didn't get up until about 6 am. I think the time difference is finally becoming less of an issue. Dumpy woke up once in the night, but went back to sleep very quickly. In answer to Abbey's comment, I am intending to publish more photos of our Taiwan 2007 tour, but I haven't quite decided what format it will take. I wish I had more time. I expect I will put some more pictures on this page, but I should also add another gallery. It's all a question of time. Here are a couple to be going on with...

The dragon is writing a very popular blog in Chinese now and we were recognised by readers of that blog at Heathrow airport when we flew out on Valentines day. I thought it was a wind up, but it seems there was a note from someone asking if it was us she saw at Heathrow on 14 Feb. She identified the coffee shop where we were and said she saw me taking Dumpy for a walk round the duty free shops on my shoulders. She described everything exactly, so it must be genuine. Fame at last.

Nothing very newsworthy is happening today. Robbie Williams is out of rehab, 20 people have died in a plane crash in Indonesia, and the home secretary is going to combat the problem of illegal immigrants by sending them text messages reminding them that their visas have expired. That'll do the trick. One wonders how he is going to perform this feat when, by his own admission, he hasn't got the faintest idea just who or where the illegal immigrants are.

I've just found out when the documentary I mentioned yesterday about Prince Charles airs. It's on Monday 12th at 8 pm on Channel 4. It's a Dispatches piece entitled "Prince Charles: The Meddling Prince". I could have come up with a better title, but I'm still looking forward to it. It will apparently call into question big ears' suitability to become head of state because he can't keep his trap shut. He's also running a dodgy business it seems. Somehow his company appears to be exempt from corporation tax. That gives him something of an advantage over the competition doesn't it. I try not to buy Duchy Originals just because I object to lining Big Ears' pockets.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sushi Experience

So tired was I last night that I never managed to publish the entry I wrote yesterday until now. I realise that the last entry is riddled with typos incidentally, and I don't care. I suspect I will feel pretty groggy tonight also. I woke up at 4 am again and didn't really sleep after that. I don't know why the jet lag is taking so long to subside this time. It usually sorts itself out in a day or two.

The cash for peerages row rumbles on this morning with new allegations in the Guardian newspaper claiming that Lord Levy asked an aide at Downing Street to doctor evidence. It's not really very clear where they got this information. But since the Guardian published the piece this morning, the BBC injunction has been lifted and details of their story, which is basically the same, have been released. The BBC story claims that Lord Levy (chief fundraiser for the Labour party) gave Ruth Turner (Downing Street aide) a version of events that she believed to be untrue. The BBC says that they haven't actually seen the document in question, but the story has been verified from multiple sources.

China is desperately trying to limit internet use and has banned more internet cafes from opening this year. The official line is that it is to combat the rising problem of internet addiction. In fact it's because they are finding it difficult to police the rising number of existing users.

The Penn Jillette show on CBS free FM has ended. It was my favourite podcast and I don't know what I am going to listen to on the train in the morning now. I need to review my podcast list. I don't really listen to any of my subscribed casts now. For the time being I have taken to rereading the HP books in readiness for the final conflict on July 21st.

Dumpy's first visit to a sushi bar!

We're back, and all is well

I'm back in the UK. In fact, I've been back since Saturday evening, and I'm typing this on Monday morning, at work. It was an effort to drag myself to the office this morning. I don't think the jet lag has quite worn off yet. I actually got up at about 6am. Dumpy is adjusting well, but he's waking up early also.

I was surprised at how easy it was to travel half way round the world with a baby. I think we were lucky. He could have been a pain in the arse, but in fact he didn't really seem to notice that he was travelling. He slept in his sky cot for most of the journey out. Coming back we left Taipei at 6 am and he wasn't really in the mood to sleep. He was still good however and we received no complaints from other passengers.

It turns out that Dumpy doesn't give a toss who picks him up and plays with him. He has a huge Asian family and they all passed him round like a doll. He probaly met about 50 relatives over the course of two weeks, the oldest of whom is now 94. Some days were just one long noisy party. We had fun, all of us, but it was hard work. I'm glad he met everyone, particularly his great grandfather. Everyone was very pleased to meet him and I think he enjoyed the attention.

I was in Taiwan for the 228 holiday. I've written about this before, but briefly, it's a day set aside each year in Taiwan to comemorate a massacre which took place on 28 Feb 1947. Thousands of people were killed by Chinese troops. Ex mayor of Taipei Mr. Ma is a big wheel in the political party responsible for the massacre, and has recently claimed that the incident which saw KMT troops kill thousands was merely an excessive reaction to a rebellion against the government. This is one of the most chilling remarks I think I have ever heard from a politician claiming to support democracy. This man will run for president in the next Taiwanese election, and he's likely to win. Where I come from we are allowed to rebel against the government.

While I've been away a couple of noteworthy things have occured. I think the most interesting thing would have to be the cash for peerages row. This just keeps rumbling on. Usually investigations like this last a very short time and conclude that no one was to blame, but this one just keeps rolling. So far we have had very little information about exactly what the investigation is covering. There have been suggestions that e-mails have been deleted, and now it seems that the BBC has obtained a possibly incriminating e-mail, which they have been prevented from broadcasting. I cannot believe that there will be no casualties from this.

Prince Charles has commented that McDonalds should be banned. What an idiot. Apparently there is to be a documentary aired shortly that calls into question Charles' suitability to become king. It has long been suggested that Charles' continual political meddling is inapprorate for a future king. Charles' response has always been that he would not involve himself in politics after he became king. It seems a rather weak defence however, since we will all know of his political opinion even if he doesn't chose to share it. The documentary will also apparently uncover questionable business practices.

I've recently watched the film "The Queen". Considering the praise that has been heaped upon it, I thought it was really very mediocre. It's all conjecture and I felt that some of the characters were completely wrong. Helen Mirren was very good as the queen, but I didn't think the role was particularly demanding. Other than that, I thought the film had little to recommend it. Another film I saw recently was "Babel". Now this I was impressed with. I won't ruin it for people that haven't seen it. I'd say just go and see it. It's very thought provoking. It's four separate short stories all interwoven. It's very clever.